
teen in a blue hoodie balancing on a guard rail
Expert Opinion

Autism and Puberty

Experts from Mount Sinai Adolescent Health Center share advice about autism and puberty in teens. Click here to access free resources to help your
Autism Speaks Asks: Got Questions?
Expert Opinion

The Pica and Autism Connection: Help & Perspective

Our teenager continues to eat the strangest things. Is there a connection between autism and pica or other eating disorders?
Young girl with a machine around her head during a medical exam
Expert Opinion

Auditory Processing Disorder

I read that Autism Speaks is funding research into auditory processing disorder. What is it, and how does it affect people with autism?
Child with blonde hair putting together blocks
Expert Opinion

What is Discrete Trial Training?

Read Dr. Lauren Elder's opinion on how Discrete Trial Training can help teach skills to autistic kids and the types of ABA that are effective for
Expert Opinion

What is it about autism and trains?

See how developmental pediatrician Amanda Bennett answers a question from parents about autism and trains.
person with their hand in a bowl of chips
Expert Opinion

What is it about autism and food?

What is it about autism and food? Psychologist Emily Kuschner answers a question from parents who are concerned about their child's eating habits and
food for thought hero
Expert Opinion

Autism and eating behaviors: Child only eats junk food

Click here to read an expert opinion from occupational therapist Moira Pena, on how to help your autistic child eat healthier when they prefer junk
Life on the Spectrum

My life before my autism diagnosis

This guest post is by Jake McNeil, a 21-year-old adult with autism from the United Kingdom.
Granger smiling and laying on the beach by a yellow towel

How my family faces roadblocks

Jane Springer is the grandmother of twins, one of whom has autism. In the post below, she explains how her family has overcome roadblocks they have
nick compton

Teacher Turned Journalist Reports on Autism in China

Guest post by journalist Nick Compton, of China’s Global Journalism Institute, Tsinghua University, Beijing Last month, China joined in
dorm feature

These 5 students taught me to never define someone by a label

This post is from Claire Turner, a senior majoring in social work at Defiance College, who served as the resident advisor for the ASD Affinity
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Science News

Distance training improves autism care, shortens diagnosis time

Study shows good results from ECHO Autism – innovative training for doctors in communities without autism specialists 

Quest Diagnostics starts jobs program for adults with autism

At Quest Diagnostics we aim to promote a healthier world, build value and create an inspiring workplace. One of the ways we do this is by partnering
Expert Opinion

Guidance on Probiotics

Probiotics for autism may relieve GI distress and even improve behavior. Should I buy them? What’s the best kind?
What is Discrete Trial Training? social pragmatic communication disorder
Expert Opinion

Social Communication Disorder: Parents Seek Guidance

“Can you explain the new DSM-5 category of Social Communication Disorder? Who would receive this diagnosis, and what therapies would help?”

Autism and School: When to Start

School psychologist Dr. Peter Faustino gives advice for parents of children with autism on getting their child ready for school.