
Communicator Cards

Video: DIY communicator cards

Watch this video to see how you can create a DIY on-the go communicator card deck at home.
Stress Creatures

Video: DIY stress creatures

Watch this video for instructions on how to make your own stress creature.
Kerry HBO

Helping shape the way characters with autism are portrayed

"I hope that any person with autism who is reading this that you continue to nurture your strengths and interests to go after whatever you want to do
Sensory Bottle

Video: DIY sensory bottles

Watch this video for instructions on how to create a DIY sensory bottle for yourself or a sensory-seeker in your family.
Ryan Lee and friends
Life on the Spectrum

It's time to stop the stigma

Having a true friend is having someone who accepts you for you, regardless of your flaws. Read more from Ryan Lee, a rising self-advocate.
Financial services: A personal mission to give back to the autistic community
Life on the Spectrum

Financial services: A personal mission to give back to the autistic community

Andrew Komarow was diagnosed with autism at age 28. As Founder and President of Planning Across the Spectrum, he focuses his expertise in financial
We Are Employable
Press Release

Introducing Delivering Jobs

Autism Speaks, Best Buddies and Special Olympics join forces with the Entertainment Industry Foundation for inclusion campaign.
Snake Completed Project

Video: DIY weighted lap buddy

Watch this video for instructions on how to make your own weighted lap buddy.
Thought Leadership Summit
Science News

Video: Autism researcher presents findings on self-determination in planning for transition to adulthood

Special education professor Kerrie Shogren, Ph.D., shared her work on the role of self-determination in supporting autistic people as they transition
Thought Leadership Summit
Science News

Professor and autism self-advocate delivers remarks on strengths-based planning and outcomes in transition to adulthood

Keynote speaker Stephen Shore, Ed.D., addressed his experience growing up with autism, navigating school and finding his role in education and
Autism Speaks releases newest MSSNG database
Science News

Autism Speaks releases newest MSSNG database

Autism Speaks’ groundbreaking MSSNG project today released an autism dataset with more than 11,000 whole genomes of individuals with autism and their
Autism Speaks Celebrity Chef Gala 2019
Press Release

Autism Speaks Celebrity Chef Gala 2019

World-class chefs channel their culinary talents for a cause at 13th annual Autism Speaks Celebrity Chef Gala, raising vital funds for research,

Join Us for a Brighter Life on the Spectrum

Introducing a new brand campaign, For a Brighter Life on the Spectrum, inspired by the vast and diverse autism community.
Press Release

Autism Speaks elects Oxford Properties VP Adam Frazier to national board

“Adam has distinguished himself in the business world, while maintaining a deep commitment to his family and community,” said Autism Speaks Board
Randy Walker Jr
Life on the Spectrum

Accepting myself and my autism changed my life

My message is that yes you have a disability but your disability doesn't have you, it does not define who you are and that you too can do anything.
autism jobs, special needs jobs, jobs for people with disabilities

Merging talent with opportunities: New thinking about the autistic workforce

Dave Kearon provides insight on autistic employment in this country as well as strategies for increasing workforce diversity to include employees