
Autism Speaks funds promising new treatment and diagnostic studies …   Autism Speaks is pleased to announce more than $1.6 million in grants for three promising research projects that will each span three years. The first study will rigorously test a new … Mindy Scheithauer, of Emory University’s Marcus Autism Center, will lead the study. It will enroll 76 children.  The second grant will support a clinical trial of leucovorin (a form of folate, or vitamin B9) that has shown early promise in …
Autism Speaks and Royal Arch Masons expand funding for auditory-processing research… fellowship and second pilot study focused on central auditory processing disorder – all made possible by a generous grant from the Royal Arch Research Assistance program. “Our longstanding partnership with the Royal Arch Masons has enabled …
Dr. Brian Boyd is bringing diversity to the field of autism research… in Autism on their group-based support model for Black families with children on the spectrum. We also just wrote a grant together to really look at risk and resilience in these families. How do you think the field of autism research could … get involved. Learn more: Read about Autism Speaks' Diversity, Equity, Access & Inclusion vision View our current research grant opportunities … Dr. Brian Boyd is bringing diversity to the field of autism research …
Study shows that many nonverbal autistic children overcome severe language delays… and services that can improve function and quality of life for nonverbal individuals. You can use the Autism Speaks Grant Search to see more. … Hopeful news for families; study counters belief that nonverbal children won’t acquire speech …
Spotlight on Autism Training for First Responders… to learn best practices for responding to emergency situations involving a person with autism. Through the Chapter Grants program, Autism Speaks was excited to provide $5,000 for the development of a vital training curriculum for first … about autism brings some peace of mind. This post is a spotlight on Pathfinders for Autism , an Autism Speaks Chapter Grant recipient. With funding from Autism Speaks, Shelly McLaughlin and Trish Kane at  Pathfinders for Autism developed  …
Autism Speaks awards $148,000 of funding to autistic researchers… whose combination of academic expertise and lived experience can greatly impact the field of autism research. This grant opportunity allows us to fund innovative research that resonates with the autistic community and makes a meaningful … Andy Shih, chief science officer at Autism Speaks. Researchers will be awarded $37,000 per year for two years. Meet our grantees: Scout Bolton University of Missouri Primary Mentor: Shawn Christ, Ph.D. Approximately 56-70% of autistic youth …
Investigating autism's environmental risk factors … age and prenatal health, as well as exposure to chemicals and other pollutants. Autism Speaks provided additional research grants to broaden and fill gaps in the ambitious study. The goal: to deepen our understanding of how autism develops in ways … of impairments, earlier intervention and personalized treatments and supports. Read about each of Autism Speaks’ EARLI grants using the Autism Speaks Grant Search . Because autism tends to run in families, EARLI researchers enrolled families …
Grade-schooler with Autism Nauseated by Food Smells… of Philadelphia, a member of the  Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network . With the support of an Autism Speaks research grant , Dr. Kuschner is developing and testing a cognitive behavioral treatment program that addresses the complex reasons … as these are an important part of the Facing Your Fears program, developed with the support of an Autism Speaks research grant by Judy Reaven and colleagues at the University of Colorado, Denver. Its techniques are designed to treat anxiety in …
Autism Speaks and Royal Arch Masons award $170,000 of funding to researchers studying auditory processing disorder … Autism Speaks, with the support of a Royal Arch Research Assistance grant, is funding one pilot research project and one post-doctoral fellowship to advance the study of central auditory …
Autism Speaks urges adapted hospital policies to allow support providers for autistic and disabled people… guardians or support providers.  Autism Speaks applauds the 14 states * that have issued direct guidance to hospitals to grant exceptions to visitor restrictions for people with disabilities, allowing them a guardian or support person at their …