Community input and conversations

We often hear from autistic self-advocates that we don’t speak for them. That is true—it is not our place to speak on behalf of anyone. Our role at Autism Speaks is to act as a convener and conveyor of information about and with the autism community. Standing with members of the autistic community, we work to express the needs of autistic people who can advocate for themselves as well as parents and caregivers advocating for their loved ones. We believe it is our role to help the world see, hear and embrace their stories. 

Autism affects people in many ways and no two experiences are exactly alike. We know that what works for some may not work for others, and that open dialogue is essential for promoting growth and understanding. Sharing the diversity of perspectives within our community is invaluable, so we work hard to use our platform to spotlight diverse voices and encourage candid, real conversations. Our goal is to create a space where people can find the support and information most relevant to them.

Many of our own team members, leaders and partners are autistic or have an autistic loved one, and their input is invaluable in helping us develop tools and resources that are meaningful to all the different members of our community.

Interested in sharing your story?

We are dedicated to increasing acceptance and understanding of autistic people. One of the many ways we do this is by sharing stories of autistic people from a variety of perspectives. We want the world to know that every person on the spectrum is unique and has their own story to tell. Fill out this form and share your story for a chance to be featured on our social media platforms.