10 ways the Autism Response Team can help

Have questions about autism? You have come to the right place.

The Autism Response Team (ART) understands that every individual on the autism spectrum has unique needs. Our team of Certified Resource Specialists are here to provide personalized information, support and referrals to empower autistic individuals, families, service providers, and the community to help navigate their specific challenges.

Here are some ways ART can help:

  1. When you don’t know where to start: The Autism Response Team (ART) is specially trained to connect people with autism, their families and caregivers to information, tools, and resources.   
  2. Learn the signs: Are you concerned about your child's development? Trust your instincts and contact ART to learn about where you can get an evaluation. Early intervention services can make a lifetime of difference for your child.
  3. Find local services: Do you need help finding local autism service providers in your area? ART can help you learn about the Autism Speaks Resource Guide, our online national database of autism providers and resources searchable by state and zip code.  
  4. Find the right tools: Contact ART to learn more about our tool kits and other resources. Our tool kits provide information, timelines, strategies, and more on many topics relevant to the autism community.  Examples include our 100 Day Tool Kit, School Community Tool Kit, Dental Tool Kit, Adult Autism Diagnosis Tool Kit and more! 
  5. Newly diagnosed children and adults: Learn how to make the best use of the first 100 days after receiving a diagnosis. Call ART to request a free hard copy of our signature resources for newly diagnosed young children, school aged children, or adults.  
  6. Know your child’s rights: Looking for where to start the search for more information on your child’s educational rights? Contact ART to learn more about the rights and entitlements of students with autism. We will provide resources that will help you prepare for your child’s IEP meeting. 
  7. Stay informed: ART can share a wide variety of autism resources, guides, and research articles with you. Contact us for help finding the latest information for topics across the spectrum and throughout the lifespan!
  8. Parent support: Sometimes navigating autism service systems can be overwhelming. Contact ART for help connecting with other families who know what it’s like to “walk in your shoes.”  
  9. Transition to adulthood: Wondering about how to start planning for your adolescent child’s future?  Contact ART to learn about our Transition Tool Kit that provides options to explore as you and your adolescent with autism begin to plan for adulthood. 
  10. Adult services: Connecting adults with autism to support services, resources and information is a priority for Autism Speaks. Contact ART for more information on local resources for adults with autism, including employment and housing information! 

Contact the Autism Response Team

Autism Speaks' Autism Response Team can help you with information, resources and opportunities.

Autism Speaks does not provide medical or legal advice or services. Rather, Autism Speaks provides general information about autism as a service to the community. The information provided on our website is not a recommendation, referral or endorsement of any resource, therapeutic method, or service provider and does not replace the advice of medical, legal or educational professionals. Autism Speaks has not validated and is not responsible for any information, events, or services provided by third parties. The views and opinions expressed in blogs on our website do not necessarily reflect the views of Autism Speaks.