
Video: Why I’m advocating for reliable autism resources across the lifespan Video (Responsive)."]}   This guest post is by Kerry Magro , a professional speaker, best-selling author and autism … given to me from adolescence to adulthood are something I can only hope will be given to countless others in the future. … Video: Why I’m advocating for reliable autism resources across the lifespan …
Video: 10 things parents of autistic kids wish you knewVideo (Responsive)."]}   On Facebook, we asked parents what they want others to know about their children on the autism … G. The spectrum is incredibly diverse! ~Andel W. He's not behaving this way because he's bad or defiant. ~Tracey R. … Video: 10 things parents of autistic kids wish you knew …
My tips for going on vacation with kids with autism… sure Ben knows as much as possible about what will happen on the vacation. One easy way to front-load is to view You tube videos of where you are going. National Parks, beaches, museums and every ride at Disney has a you tube video or website that gives a good feel of the place. TIP- view the videos first, sometimes there is offensive language if a video is produced by a kid and not the company itself. Vacation …
Watch this dad have a conversation with his nonverbal son with autism… This blog post was written by Shawn Garan, a father of a son with autism. He shared this touching video of a conversation with his nonverbal son, Max. Watch it below. … I would stay home with the kids. I put my research skills to work and began reading. I read about autism, I watched Youtube videos about autism, and I got involved with the therapy sessions Max was doing. “I could do what they are doing,” I …
A letter I would have written for my parents when I was nonverbal… anytime I hear thunder, and I don’t like to be touched because of my sensory issues. Even now, as we make all the adorable videos of me dressed up as one of the best looking toddlers of all time, I know things aren’t easy, and we don’t know what …
The joys and challenges of being a father with autismVideo (Responsive)."]}   When you found out that you were going to be a dad, what thoughts ran through your mind? Initially, … there hardly are any. So, I just googled about life on the spectrum from the views of others. I read studies and watched videos to try to better understand autism and then I took an approach to really look at the way autism affects me. This …
Parent perspectives: How families with children on the spectrum are tackling back-to-school … lessons and material and special accommodations for them. However, one of my children has an adverse reaction to online videos of people and our poor internet out here in the country causes those videos to pause, which he also struggles with. Due to his sensory issues with the pausing, he goes into instant meltdown. I …
A moment of unexpected kindness towards my son … I thought, “Oh great. Now I’m going to have to fight this guy…on a plane.” I could see it all now – the vertical cell phone videos with people screaming “World Star,” no-fly lists, and TSA agents waiting at the gate. I was about to brawl myself …
These 5 students taught me to never define someone by a label… and qualities to this college community. 1. One student enjoys music and spending time searching for the most entertaining videos on YouTube that are sure to provide others with their share of laughs for the day. This student is also gifted in the …
The benefits of physical activity and a healthy lifestyle… prior to the school year and hopefully get a head start with making friends. I spoke to her about it and showed her videos of cheerleading. She seemed very excited and agreed to try it without hesitation!”  Like many autistic children, …