
Autism Speaks Asks: Got Questions?
Expert Opinion

PANDAS Syndrome: How it differs from autism

Click here to read an experts opinion on the treatment of PANDAS, the relationship between strep and PANDAS, and the differences between PANDAS and
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Grade-schooler with Autism Nauseated by Food Smells

Our son, age 9, has a lot of food aversions. Just the sight or smell of many foods make him feel sick. Besides making it difficult to get him to even
Expert Opinion

Guidance on helping nonverbal child severely disabled by autism

My child is severely disabled by autism and will probably never be verbal or independent. How can we improve his quality of life?
Science News

CDC Study Flags High Rate of Obesity among Teens with Autism

Medication side effects may play role in doubling obesity rate among teens with autism; associated health problems highlight need for expert help
Expert Opinion

Help! Our Adult Son Has Severe Autism and Extremely Narrow Diet

Our grown son - who's severely affected by autism and living in a group home - no longer eats anything but white-bread bologna sandwiches. We're
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Grandson Has Autism, Gets Teased for Messy Eating

Child psychologist, Lauren Elder, provides tips to help your child with autism learn how to eat neatly. Click here to read more.
Expert Opinion

Son Frustrated by Clumsiness: Just His Autism? What Can Help?

Click here to read an experts opinion on the relationship between dyspraxia and autism and treatments to help overcome dyspraxia in kids with autism.
Expert Opinion

Autism & Eating Challenges: You Are Not Alone!

After reading this and realizing that I'm not alone, I'm literally crying because I carried the burden of thinking that I did something wrong with my
blonde toddler at the dentist
Expert Opinion

Autism and Dental Anesthesia

Click here to see how Elizabeth Shick DDS, MPH answers a question about autism and dental anesthesia.
Expert Opinion

Does Our Teen Have Autism-related Catatonia?

Our teen, who has autism, has been taking a lot longer to do even simple things like getting up from the table or getting into a car. Could this be
Expert Opinion

Parents of Child with Autism Seek Help Handling Public Meltdowns

Child pyschologist Lauren Elder offers some effective strategies for handling the situation.
Expert Opinion

Parents Seek Help Easing MRI Process for Child with Autism

How can we ease the MRI process for our 3-year-old who has autism? Would full sedation be better than conscious sedation?
Micrograph of Lactobacillus bacteria
Science News

'Good' Bacteria Ease Autism-like Behaviors in Mouse Model

In mice, infection or inflammation during pregnancy can produce offspring with autism-like behaviors such as social avoidance, anxiety and repetitive
sensory integration therapy, autism in children
Science News

Study finds sensory integration therapy benefits children with autism

Sensory integration therapy uses play activities in ways aimed at changing how the brain reacts to touch, sound, sight and movement.
Expert Opinion

Parents Seek Help Recognizing Dyslexia in Child with Autism

How early is too early to recognize dyslexia in a child with autism?
Expert Opinion

Parents with Nonverbal Child Seek Advice on Preparing for Pet’s Death

“Our 7 year old daughter has autism and is nonverbal. She adores our very old cat. How can we be ready to help her deal with the coming loss?”