
How My Family Faces Roadblocks… got lots of individual attention, speech and occupational therapy.  When it came time to enter Kindergarten, his teacher supported him going into a regular classroom with an aide, which is what my daughter wanted as well. The principal was on … want either of these options (a roadblock), so her team (the speech and occupational therapist, plus his pre-K teacher) regrouped and came up with an IEP plan that had lots of supports, including preferential seating, a behavior modification plan, options to test in a small group setting, etc. At …
What my son's routines helped me understand about being an autism dad… is in General Ed Kindergarten. He’s won academic awards! He doesn’t need weekly speech therapy anymore. He’s graduated to group ABA. He loves reading and math and playing Monopoly (he has nine different versions). He has friends! The greatest … fail, or get hurt, or be ridiculed or misunderstood. Everything an autism parent knows will come with time no matter the support and love we provide every second of the day. As he eyes 1st grade over the horizon, I continue to ask myself how …
10 ways a parent can help their autistic child… stead when I’m no longer here to take him places. Yes, I’m always planning. If you haven’t already done so, join a parent group and/or your school district’s special education PTA. You will make invaluable connections at both. Try to find parents … to people not in the “tribe” about what raising an autistic child is really like. It’s time to tell them and ask for the support you need, even if it’s just an ear to listen. My husband and I kept too much to ourselves, and if I could go back in …
Spanish resources help bilingual families in the autism community overcome language barriers … appointment, Berlina Felipe did her research. She had a year during that wait, reading about what to expect and how to plan supports for her son, Alex. “When he did get diagnosed at age 4, even though I was already prepared, it was still hard,” … Both of Jair’s grandmothers, who took care of him when he was young, attended the Spanish classes as well to learn how to support him. “Years later, my mom told us she is so glad that we got all the early intervention,” Gaby said. “And that we … their classes and resources in Spanish. Based on participant feedback, they also sometimes separate dads and moms into two groups to encourage each group to talk more openly. Alex’s family made sure to learn from his providers and school contacts …
Summer is here! Four tips for a smooth transition… grocery shopping and THEN we get to go to the park!”. For information on visual schedules, check out our Autism and Visual Supports Guide . Find Respite Care/Increase Therapy Time Because of the down time in his schedule and with both parents … members or friends to give you a break or to provide care during work hours. Talk to your other autism moms at a local support group to see if you can organize some play dates at local parks, pools or homes. Reach out to local autism organizations in …
Thriving at Home during the Pandemic: Authentic Tips for Resilience… tasks in blocks of time rather than longer sustained arcs. “Chunk” tasks like cleaning or responding to emails into groups to avoid exhaustion. This will leave longer blocks of time for recovery from tasks or demands. Adapt your interests … Being at home can actually be a plus when it comes to sensory needs. You can build or access your preferred sensory supports. The current situation may disrupt your meal preparation and personal hygiene routines. Tips: Frequent handwashing …