
“Adulting on the Spectrum” with Autism Speaks… Our Facebook group, “Adulting on the Spectrum,” was created last summer to provide a space for autistic adults to cultivate friendships, find support and have fun. The moderators of the group, Andrew Komarow and Eilieen Lamb, are autistic adults themselves, and all … newfound information had impacted my life with those around me and watch them adapt as well.  What made you become a voice/supporter/advocate of the autism community? I really saw a need for autistic voices to be heard, and when I say autistic …
6 tips for job seekers on the spectrum from someone who is autistic… the blog and book, Everyday Aspergers, Selection Committee Chair at the ANCA World Autism Festival and is active in autism groups locally and globally. She can be reached at . I am an autistic job recruiter for a … opportunities for individuals on the autism spectrum. These are some of my personal tips when looking for work: Establish a support network In the long run a support system can get you through those setbacks and doubts, and provide that much-needed … and training courses. Other ideas include: writing a blog or an online article, tutoring, and being a leader in a local support group or online group. Practice skills, take classes, read books, watch online tutorials related to your area of …
Meet Chade` K.… provided her with an overwhelming sense of relief. With the help of her neurotypical husband, Oliver, and various other support systems she discovered through her work as an avid self-advocate, Chade` is thriving in all facets of her life: She … with autism and helps to build relationships between constituents and legislators at the federal level.  This diverse group of advocates includes nearly 345 volunteers from 46 states and the District of Columbia .  Learn more about Chade` in … awareness?   To bring people on the spectrum out of shadows and make representatives of their state aware of the need to support autism. In my city, representatives were not aware of the need for the autism community. Through this program, we …
Tips to create inclusive sports and recreation activities… shared interests. One option is through high-quality adaptive programs – those designed for people with disabilities in a supportive environment, from the Special Olympics to local therapeutic horseback riding lessons to school LEGO clubs. Since … individuals with and without disabilities participate together. Some activities and programs are already designed with the support needs of people with disabilities in mind. (Think: online video gaming.) But what happens when they are not? Here we … online within your county or state can open doors. One of the wonderful things about technology is there are virtual groups based on shared interest open to people across the world. These can be ideal if you feel burned out in general or if …
Why accepting my flaws was important as an autistic mom… buried it by just getting through it. This summer, I want to encourage all of you to start healing. Seek help through your support group. Friends, family, and any others you trust. Even if you are nonverbal, your "words" still matter.  I have a lot to say …
My story of being diagnosed with autism late… very clear to me. Even though I liked to socialize and had some friends, I started to feel isolated when kids began to form groups and I got left out. So I decided that I wasn’t going to let that happen again in high school (age 12), and started … weirdo, I actually belonged to a group of people that were just different. It gave me clarity, belonging, peace of mind and support. Obviously I had my times while struggling with the question of what Asperger’s meant to me, and if it defined me, especially when I decided to work fulltime as a model. Would I really be able to travel the world, without my support system at home and without any sense of stability? But I know now that even with a disorder, you’re able to learn, …
Meet Helen P.… expressions often left her feeling like an outsider. But when her family moved to North Haven, Connecticut, she met a group of friends who encouraged her to embrace the unique traits that make her who she is. It was at that point when … was right! I hope one day my work can inspire others to chase their dreams too. How important has it been to have a strong support system of family and friends in your life? My family is very supportive of my dreams of becoming a wildlife photographer for National Geographic and whatever else I want to pursue. …
Coding and autism: Learning the skills I need to start a tech career… I had a deep sense of home and hope and optimism, knowing that finally I have a place to put all my energy and a great of group of people who can direct me and be patient with me while I learn the skills I need in order to help myself in the … have teamed up to create the NXT GEN Coders Program. Powered by GameStop and administered by Autism Speaks, the grant will support programs to teach people with autism of all ages critical coding and computer programming skills.  … Coding and …
How to cope with disrupted personal routines during COVID-19 … please follow CDC guidelines . Also call your doctor’s office or emergency room before going for treatment. Continue support networks At this time, many mental health providers, case managers and specialists are still working but using … may be harder, but prioritizing support right now can help you remember you are not alone. If you are part of an in-person support group, ask the leader if they can arrange a virtual meeting for those who want to join. Discover online or phone resources …
Meet Chase T.… information about autism was difficult, but Helen and Alan made it their job to advocate for their son and to get him the support he needed. They quickly enrolled Chase in his pre-school’s autism-centric special education program, where he would … to participate in enjoyable activities like therapeutic horseback riding, gymnastics and art class. With a team of supporters like his family, teachers and behavioral therapists, Chase has come a long way since being diagnosed as a … has your autism helped you excel? I have faced struggles like talking to other people in conversations, being part of a group and focusing on work. My autism helped me excel by making me very imaginative and creative. Why is it important to …