
Finding Your Community… Team (ART) receives are for information about autism and community services. Common requests are for connections to peer groups, recreation, and parent support groups, among others. Finding community matters. It creates a sense of purpose, provides a means to build social …
Expert Q&A: Supporting siblings of autistic children with aggressive behaviors … for the other child and have long term effects if unaddressed.  It's important for parents and caregivers to know how to support their children through these challenges by acknowledging their feelings, keeping lines of communication open and teaching healthy coping strategies. Support groups can be a valuable tool, giving both siblings and parents a safe space to share their experiences and learn new …
Autism Speaks connects families and caregivers of children with autism to essential skills through Caregivers Skills Training program… Caregiver Skills Training (CST) for Families of Children with Developmental Delays or Disabilities, developed with the support of Autism Speaks, addresses the lack of specialized care available in some parts of the world and teaches caregivers … courses and digital content, including quick tip videos, quizzes and prompts, to caregivers who lack access to in-person group trainings,” said Dr. Chiara Servili, who leads WHO’s work on the mental and brain health of children and adolescents. … participants gain insight directly from trained community members and other families to further strengthen their local support network. In delivering resources to help children with autism and their families reach their full potential, Autism …
Social skills and autism… by the idea of new experiences. Building up social skills with practice can help enhance participation in the community and support outcomes like happiness and friendships. We have compiled social skills tips and information from experts, teachers, … school, and in the community. A special education teacher, speech pathologist, or other clinician may lead a “social skills group” that combines direct, explicit instruction with opportunities to practice and generalize these skills in more natural …
South Florida Executive Leadership Council (ELC)… an inclusive world for all individuals with autism throughout their lifespan. We do this through advocacy, services, supports, research and innovation, and advances in care for autistic individuals and their families. Engaged and committed … Banking & Wealth Management at First Horizon  Mariela Quintanilla, Sr. Communication Strategist at FPL  Aimee Schmalzle, Group Director Product Technology at Ryder  Stephanie Seltzer, VP Regional Marketing Manager at Fifth Third Bank  Cristina …
Tips to create inclusive sports and recreation activities… shared interests. One option is through high-quality adaptive programs – those designed for people with disabilities in a supportive environment, from the Special Olympics to local therapeutic horseback riding lessons to school LEGO clubs. Since … individuals with and without disabilities participate together. Some activities and programs are already designed with the support needs of people with disabilities in mind. (Think: online video gaming.) But what happens when they are not? Here we … online within your county or state can open doors. One of the wonderful things about technology is there are virtual groups based on shared interest open to people across the world. These can be ideal if you feel burned out in general or if …
Respite Care… services can be available to families through provider agencies with trained staff or through a more informal network of support.  Find more helpful information about respite models as well as a respite locator from the National Respite Network … to families. The RAISE Family Caregivers Act , signed into law in January 2018, will create a national strategy for supporting caregivers. Respite options for family caregivers will be one piece of the considered strategy and solution. How … role in managing the specific behaviors of the individual with autism. How will the respite worker support the person in a group setting? You may want a worker to accompany your family member to a social group, or an afterschool program. The …
A guide to resources we offer from screening to adulthood… an autism diagnosis and in accessing related services. To help reduce this disparity, we are committed to providing support to our Hispanic community. Resources At you will find a tab,  ¿Que es el autismo?  which provides … their child’s autism diagnosis. Manual de Defensa  helps autistic individuals and their families advocate for services and supports they need. Manual de Planificación Financiera  provides parents tips on accessing financial support and planning … Tony’s experience  adulting on the spectrum. Social Media Voces Latinas de Autism Speaks is our Spanish speaking Facebook group to support parents and autistic individuals. Through this network, we share resources and experiences to build our …
COVID-19 survey reveals widespread challenges for autism community and wider disparities for minority communities … community are struggling even more, particularly with basic needs.”  Minority respondents, who made up about half of the group surveyed, reported more struggles with a variety of needs related to the pandemic, basic needs, daily routines and education.  The largest disparities were in the areas of food insecurity and receiving distance learning supports, with nonwhite respondents experiencing twice the food insecurity of white respondents and twice as likely to not receive any distance learning supports. Food insecurity was measured as food for the household having run out and families not having enough money to buy …
Pool and water safety for lifeguards … way of communicating, that can help keep them calm them in an unsafe situation or if they have wandered away from their group. This  first-responder tool kit  has communication techniques in addition to a lot of other useful information for … the pool or have other communication differences, so they may not hear the whistle.   Swimming facility owners can support autistic swimmers as well by communicating safety rules in different ways to ensure understanding, … are visual learners understand the rules.   Teaching their lifeguarding and other staff about supporting an autism-friendly swimming experience can help make sure their pool is a safe and comfortable environment for …