
Help! Our Adult Son Has Severe Autism and Extremely Narrow Diet… “Our grown son - who's severely affected by autism and living in a group home - no longer eats anything but white-bread bologna sandwiches. We're really concerned about his health. What can … causing his new food selectivity. We also recommend that your son be seen by a registered dietician to discuss nutritional support. The Autism Speaks Resource Guide includes local contact information for dieticians and other specialists who work … the text link and click on your state. Once you have input from your son’s doctor and dietician, you can work with the group-home staff to develop a plan that gradually expands his eating choices. Developing a plan In developing a realistic …
Autism Speaks executive Val Paradiz appointed to federal autism committee… U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced today that Valerie Paradiz, Ph.D., vice president of services and supports at Autism Speaks, has been appointed as one of 20 new as well as two returning public members of the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC), an advisory group on federal autism activities. Along with federal members of the committee from key agencies and departments serving … IACC plays a critical role in deciding where our federal priorities should lie in funding autism services and research to support autistic people of all ages,” said Dr. Paradiz. “I look forward to working with other members of the committee to …
Autism Speaks statement in response to reports of surge in COVID-19 cases among people with disabilities… swift action to respond to the immediate needs of people with autism and their families – through advocacy, services and supports, resources and direct assistance. We are deeply concerned by reports of increased incidence of COVID-19 among people with disabilities, particularly in group homes, as reported by the New York Times and other news outlets. In response to news of the rapid spread of COVID-19 … but reduce the risk of injury, neglect, abuse and death for residents at overburdened facilities. Congress must do more to support the disability community in the next COVID-19 relief bill. It is crucial that the bill include additional funds for …
Why a mother-daughter running duo teamed up for Autism Speaks… Christel, Iowa Wesleyan ’88, decided to check out different race options online. She saw that through Disney you can run in support of various charities, including Autism Speaks. Christel and her daughter Samantha, Iowa Wesleyan ’14, decided to … signed up for the races six months in advance and began training 16 weeks before the race. “Everyone has so many different groups and causes to support, so it was hard for me to ask people to give to another cause. Putting myself out there on social media and asking …
2022 Chip In Casino Night and After Dark Bash… ASYP members, and now - casino gaming! Who are Autism Speaks Young Professionals? Autism Speaks Young Professionals is a group that works to support Autism Speaks mission by raising funds and awareness, while also connecting young professionals in Chicago. Founded …
Respite Care… services can be available to families through provider agencies with trained staff or through a more informal network of support.  Find more helpful information about respite models as well as a respite locator from the National Respite Network … to families. The RAISE Family Caregivers Act , signed into law in January 2018, will create a national strategy for supporting caregivers. Respite options for family caregivers will be one piece of the considered strategy and solution. How … role in managing the specific behaviors of the individual with autism. How will the respite worker support the person in a group setting? You may want a worker to accompany your family member to a social group, or an afterschool program. The …
Autism Speaks recognizes Oklahoma Commissioner Mulready for work on autism insurance coverage… Department Commissioner Glen Mulready with an Autism Speaks 2022 Public Service Award for championing initiatives that support coverage of autism therapies and treatment for people with autism in Oklahoma. From his work as an insurance … the state law's diagnosis age restrictions as discriminatory. And with the passage of SB 1240 , state-regulated small group and individual plans will be required to provide meaningful autism insurance coverage beginning in 2023. “Oklahoma's … and a long-time volunteer advocate for the Oklahoma autism community also had the opportunity to thank Mulready for his support. Individuals in Oklahoma interested in shopping for an insurance plan that provides insurance benefits for …
Grade-schooler with Autism Nauseated by Food Smells… Kuschner, of The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, a member of the  Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network . With the support of an Autism Speaks research grant , Dr. Kuschner is developing and testing a cognitive behavioral treatment … at a picture of the cafeteria together. Then plan small steps that build on your son’s progress. I recommend enlisting the support of a trusted adult in your son's school such as a counselor, psychologist or teacher. Your son will likely benefit … in a socially acceptable way. Instead of having a meltdown outside of the cafeteria at lunch, could he be part of a lunch group that eats somewhere other than the cafeteria? Perhaps you could talk with your son’s teachers and counselors about …
Finding Information on Autism-Related Genes … 15q duplication syndrome, copy number variation Pheland-McDermid syndrome and DiGeorge syndrome . A number of advocacy groups and organizations provide information, parent and child support, research funds and services for those affected by these specific genetic disorders. (See list below.) … aware of an organization that specifically addresses Xp22.31 deletions. There are, however, a few Yahoo and Facebook parent support groups for Xp22.31 deletions. The National Society for Genetic Counselors provides a platform for finding genetic …
Life Skills Programs… Vista Vocational Independent Living Programs for people with autism are postsecondary programs that offer services and supports to help individuals live and work successfully. Instruction needs to incorporate best practices identified for … technology should be utilized to enhance learning and function. Instruction may occur individually or in small or larger groups. Functional academics are taught to enhance independent living and vocational functioning. Education may also include … experiences in a variety of work settings, both paid and non-paid. Scaffolding techniques and job coaches or professional supports should be utilized to ensure proper transition in the work place. Individuals with autism learn the vocational …