
Autism Speaks resources and information for researchers… * Learn about Autism Speaks’ research programs . * Learn about funding opportunities through Autism Speaks research grants and fellowships . * Explore the studies we’ve funded and those we’re currently funding. * Check out our Participate in Research search tool for people on the spectrum, and  register  in our grant system to apply to post an IRB-approved study to this database. * Contact us at for more …
Autism Speaks and Royal Arch Masons fund research on auditory processing disorder … Autism Speaks, with the support of a Royal Arch Research Assistance grant, is funding a pilot study and a research fellowship to address sound-processing difficulties among people with autism …
Study finds altered brain growth patterns that predict autism… for universal screening. The paper appears online in the journal Nature . Autism Speaks helps fund IBIS through a grant to senior investigator Joseph Piven, a developmental psychiatrist with the University of North Carolina School of …