
laptop on a table being used by a man in a suit
Tool Kit Excerpt

Employment Rights

Click here to read an excerpt from the Autism Speaks Employment Tool Kit on employment rights of disabled workers.
Jon coach
Tool Kit Excerpt

To Disclose or Not To Disclose?

Should you disclose a disability on a job application or in the workplace? Click here to read an excerpt from the Autism Speaks Employment Tool Kit on
Tool Kit Excerpt

The Job Interview

This is an excerpt from the Autism Speaks Employment Tool Kit. JobTIPS provides an excellent step-by-step guide to help you prepare for your job
Tool Kit Excerpt

Employment Models: Which Option is Best for You?

Click here to read an excerpt from the Autism Speaks Employment Tool Kit on finding a job that is right for you.
Young autistic adults learn social skills with PEERS

Video: This program is teaching social skills to young adults with autism

The Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills (PEERS), is a 16 week-long program that teaches social skills, including tips on
Elizabeth Laugeson, director of the UCLA PEERS Clinic, leads a class for young adults who have autism.

Social skills classes produce lasting benefits for adults with autism

A social skills program for young adults with autism provides lasting benefits, including steady growth in social connections, according to a new
Lisa Smith Tate Blog

Nine Ways I Helped Foster Friendships for My Son with Autism

People are so amazed that my son with autism has friends and I get that.
Tool Kit Excerpt

Tips on Applying for Financial Aid

Below is a post by J-Jaye Hurley, autism mom and Autism Speaks Autism Response Team coordinator. 1. Print all pages of the application and read
Tool Kit Excerpt

Finding the Right Financial Professional

So many families search for quite some time before they find the right medical team.  It is this same persistence and focus needed to find the right
Financial Planning Tool Kit
Tool Kit Excerpt

Guardianship and Conservatorship

If you feel that at 18, your autistic child cannot make important legal decisions, consider pursuing guardianship so you can make such decisions for
laptop and tablet with charts and graphs on the screens
Tool Kit Excerpt

Special Needs Trusts

Click here to read an excerpt from the Autism Speaks Financial Planning Tool Kit on the creation of a Special Needs Trust
Tool Kit Excerpt

Accessing Funding Through State and Federal Programs

There are roughly three avenues of support for our children, and it is our role as parents to advocate these three avenues tirelessly in order for our
young girl with blonde hair brushing her teeth
Tool Kit Excerpt

Preparing for the Dental Visit

Tips to help prepare your child for a visit to the dentist.
child with autism brushing teeth
Tool Kit Excerpt

Brushing Your Child's Teeth

In celebration of National Disability Employment Awareness Month, Autism Speaks is sharing 12 steps to help adults with autism find employment.
person sitting on a couch making a checklist on a clipboard
Tool Kit Excerpt

Planning for a Crisis

Preparation and strategies for coping and staying safe in crisis situations is essential and it is important for the team, including the family, to
Challenging Behaviors Cover
Tool Kit Excerpt

Helpful Strategies to Promote Positive Behavior

Click here to read an excerpt from the Autism Speaks Challenging Behaviors Tool Kit on Helpful Strategies to Promote Positive Behavior.