
Science News

Brain Study Finds Evidence that Autism Involves Too Many Synapses

Researchers have found further evidence that an overabundance of brain cell connections may cause or contribute to autism.
Expert Opinion

Can Probiotics Help Teen with Autism and Lactose Intolerance?

Our 17-year-old son has autism and has developed diarrhea that we think is related to lactose intolerance. Would probiotics help?
Dr. David Beversdorf
Expert Opinion

How to get tested for autism as an adult

How is autism diagnosed in adults? Learn about where you should go, who you should see and how to get tested for autism by clicking here.
Expert Opinion

Food for Thought: Why Does our Son Cover Everything in Ketchup?

What is it about autism and food condiments? Our adult son covers pretty much everything he eats in ketchup. Now we're hearing that this sort of thing
Expert Opinion

The Transition to Autism BrainNet: Your Questions Answered

Congrats on the launch of Autism BrainNet. Will Autism Speaks remain involved in brain tissue donation? What will happen with the donations and
Expert Opinion

Autism and Special Talents: How Can We Help our Son Find His Passion?

We've read many stories on your website about families who discover a special talent in a child, teenager or even adult with autism. How can we help
Anxiety and autistic adults
Expert Opinion

Managing anxiety in children with autism

My eight-year-old with autism rips his clothes when he gets nervous at school. How can I manage my son’s anxiety?
autism speaks, autism and food
Expert Opinion

Autism and overeating

Click here to read about how Alison Wheeland, OT answers a question on autism and overeating to self-sooth and sensory-focused suggestions for
man's silhouette standing in front of a lake at sunset
Expert Opinion

Autism and Bipolar disorder

Can you be autistic and bipolar? Studies suggest that bipolar disorder may be common in children and adults with autism.
little girl looking down as a band aid gets put on her arm
Science News

New Meta-analysis Confirms: No Association Between Autism and Vaccines

Is there a connection between autism and vaccines? Studies reaffirm that vaccines don't cause autism and that some immunizations can decrease autism
Expert Opinion

A Parent Wonders: Are New Repetitive Behaviors OCD or ‘Just Autism’

Our 25-year-old son, diagnosed with PDD-NOS, has always had some repetitive behaviors. Lately, though, he's wanting to redo things such as getting
Expert Opinion

Why Is Brain Tissue Donation Vital to Advancing Autism Treatment?

I read about BrainNet and your new push to increase postmortem brain donations. Why? What has brain tissue research done for the autism community?
Expert Opinion

Help! 10 Year Old with Autism Gorges Till He Throws Up

Advice on breaking the cycle from specialists in the Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network
Expert Opinion

Autism and Social Acceptance: The Importance of Table Manners

We heard autism educator Peter Gerhardt talk about how important table manners are for social acceptance. Our 17 year old has come a long way in other
service dog
Science News

Autism and Pets: More Evidence of Social Benefits

Autism and dogs: Study supports idea that interacting with pets benefits many autistic children. Click here to read more.
Expert Opinion

When Medical Issues Complicate Autism's Eating Challenges

Our daughter (who has autism) had a feeding tube for her first two years of life due to laryngomalacia. Now she fears swallowing. What's a family to