
Universal screening study finds common autism screening tool improvement
Expert Opinion

Concerned uncle seeks guidance on right way to urge autism screening

What can we do to help my sister-in-law understand that her son may be on the spectrum?
Sensory game with different colored beans on a table and a toddler touching them

10 Sensory activities for autism

Click here for 10 fun DIY sensory activities and games that will give children great new sensory experiences and improve motor skills!
photo of an unmade bed
Science News

Autism & GI-related Sleep Disturbances: Q&A

Study on parental age and autism risk found increased autism rates among children of teen moms and whose parents have relatively large gaps between
vitamins in the palm of a hand
Science News

Supplements for kids with autism may lead to nutrient imbalances

Click here to read the largest study of its kind where Autism Speaks ATN researchers find too-high levels of some vitamins and minerals and not enough
display of seeing eye glasses
Expert Opinion

Autistic Child Needs Glasses but Won't Tolerate Anything on Face

My daughter needs glasses but doesn't like anything on her face. She won't even wear a headband. But she does let me put scrunchies and clips in her

Sibling walks alongside twin brother with autism at graduation

Aly Bonville is a recent high school graduate who has a twin brother with autism. She shared her touching story about growing up with her brother,

Dear Teachers of The Little Ones with Special Needs

This blog is from Mandy Farmer who writes a blog about raising her three children, one who has autism, and her military family life.

Dear Mama of a Nonverbal Child

We've known sadness, but we've also known acceptance and unconditional love. I hope you have, too.
Will communication device hamper real speech in child with autism?
Expert Opinion

Will communication device hamper real speech in child with autism?

Click here to read an expert opinion on whether augmentative communication like speech-generating devices, hinder the development of spoken language.
Expert Opinion

Parent Worries: Adult Son with Autism Still Obsessed with Barney

My son is 24 and is on the autism spectrum, diagnosed with PDD-NOS as a child. He works part-time at Home Depot and attends a social-support group
mmr vaccine autism, autism and vaccines, vaccines and autism, vaccines autism, what is mmr
Science News

No MMR Vaccine-Autism Link in Large Study

In a large study, researchers found no link between MMR vaccines and autism-even among kids considered at high risk for autism spectrum disorder. Read
woman at a vision exam
Expert Opinion

Signs your nonverbal teen needs glasses

Click here to read an expert opinion from ophthalmologist Bradley Davitt, on how to tell that your nonverbal teen needs glasses.
autism and communication disorder, autism and social skills, social (pragmatic) communication disorder
Expert Opinion

Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder

Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder encompasses problems with social interaction, social understand and language usage.
American flag in front of the White House

10 Things to know about the ABLE Act

The ABLE Act is built on the foundation of the current 529 education savings plans that help families save for college.

Author Talks Raising Two Non-Verbal Boys Who Became Marathon Runners

Robyn Schneider was a VP in non-profit human services management and later worked in legislative affairs as an advocate for autism services.  She
Expert Opinion

Parents See Son’s Autism Ease during Fever; ‘Anyone Studying This?'

Our 14 year old has autism. We see striking improvement in his sociability, eye contact, organization and mood when he’s ill with a fever. It took a