
Video: Acid reflux Q&A with GI Specialist Tim BuieVideo (Responsive)."]}   Thank you for your tremendous response to the first segment in Autism Speaks’ “Office Hours” series … questions we received, I want to say thank you to the many people who responded so positively to our first “Office Hours” video. I see many children in our clinic, but realize that the autism community’s need for GI care goes far beyond my …
Our son with autism loves trains so much he won’t get off… tennis a couple times a week. When I’m not on the court, I occasionally read tennis-related news articles and watch online videos on how to, say, hit a better forehand. However, I can generally shift my attention to participate in other … to deny your son his special passion. So be sure to schedule times in the day when he can indulge in train-related books, videos or toys. Time to get off that train! You mentioned, in particular, the struggles you’ve had getting your son to get …
Tips for creating an autism-friendly Thanksgiving… bag of your child’s preferred activities and sensory items wherever you go. If your child has a special interest, like videos or games, bringing those can help them stay happy and occupied. The second thing to consider is that some autistic …