
Identical twins with autism differ significantly in severity of social traits… by our environment. It also confirms what we know about the importance of getting intervention as early as possible to support development,” said Autism Speaks Chief Science Officer Thomas W. Frazier. “Repeating this study with larger groups may help us understand those environmental factors where we might be able to best support optimal development for young children at risk for autism.” Using genetic data and clinical information, researchers …
Finding Information on Autism-Related Genes … 15q duplication syndrome, copy number variation Pheland-McDermid syndrome and DiGeorge syndrome . A number of advocacy groups and organizations provide information, parent and child support, research funds and services for those affected by these specific genetic disorders. (See list below.) … aware of an organization that specifically addresses Xp22.31 deletions. There are, however, a few Yahoo and Facebook parent support groups for Xp22.31 deletions. The National Society for Genetic Counselors provides a platform for finding genetic …