
Summer is here! Four tips for a smooth transition… grocery shopping and THEN we get to go to the park!”. For information on visual schedules, check out our Autism and Visual Supports Guide . Find Respite Care/Increase Therapy Time Because of the down time in his schedule and with both parents … members or friends to give you a break or to provide care during work hours. Talk to your other autism moms at a local support group to see if you can organize some play dates at local parks, pools or homes. Reach out to local autism organizations in …
Thriving at Home during the Pandemic: Authentic Tips for Resilience… tasks in blocks of time rather than longer sustained arcs. “Chunk” tasks like cleaning or responding to emails into groups to avoid exhaustion. This will leave longer blocks of time for recovery from tasks or demands. Adapt your interests … Being at home can actually be a plus when it comes to sensory needs. You can build or access your preferred sensory supports. The current situation may disrupt your meal preparation and personal hygiene routines. Tips: Frequent handwashing …