
The Hatching Hope Foundation brings advocacy and support to Dallas-Fort Worth families… triplets, was diagnosed with autism in 2012 at age 2.5, she struggled to find much-needed information, services and social supports in her area. This struggle motivated Sabrina to commit her life to helping underserved families in Ft. Worth, Texas … she founded the Hatching Hope Foundation, an organization that provides parent training about autism, individual and family support services, and special education advocacy. In 2019, Keshawn tragically passed away from Osteosarcoma, a rare form of … someone who really understands what it’s like to be a parent living with a child with severe autism. Our Facebook support group, Autism Mocha Moms , has been another great way to connect with parents in the community. The group was created to …
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)… at home, at school, and in the community Teaches skills that are useful in everyday life Can involve one-to-one teaching or group instruction Positive reinforcement Positive reinforcement is one of the main strategies used in ABA. When a behavior … and others are directed by the person with autism. Parents, family members and caregivers receive training so they can support learning and skill practice throughout the day. The person with autism will have many opportunities to learn and …