
6 tips for job seekers on the spectrum from someone who is autistic… the blog and book, Everyday Aspergers, Selection Committee Chair at the ANCA World Autism Festival and is active in autism groups locally and globally. She can be reached at . I am an autistic job recruiter for a … opportunities for individuals on the autism spectrum. These are some of my personal tips when looking for work: Establish a support network In the long run a support system can get you through those setbacks and doubts, and provide that much-needed incentive to keep you on track. …
Coding and autism: Learning the skills I need to start a tech career… I had a deep sense of home and hope and optimism, knowing that finally I have a place to put all my energy and a great of group of people who can direct me and be patient with me while I learn the skills I need in order to help myself in the … have teamed up to create the NXT GEN Coders Program. Powered by GameStop and administered by Autism Speaks, the grant will support programs to teach people with autism of all ages critical coding and computer programming skills.  … Coding and …