
My story of being diagnosed with autism late… very clear to me. Even though I liked to socialize and had some friends, I started to feel isolated when kids began to form groups and I got left out. So I decided that I wasn’t going to let that happen again in high school (age 12), and started … weirdo, I actually belonged to a group of people that were just different. It gave me clarity, belonging, peace of mind and support. Obviously I had my times while struggling with the question of what Asperger’s meant to me, and if it defined me, especially when I decided to work fulltime as a model. Would I really be able to travel the world, without my support system at home and without any sense of stability? But I know now that even with a disorder, you’re able to learn, …
One family’s story of navigating their son’s Down syndrome/autism dual diagnosis … also made Jake eligible for additional services, such as the state autism waiver, which provides him with community supports. The diagnosis also helped family members and school- and community-based providers to better understand the reason … It was also through the organization that I learned about and subsequently joined the Down Syndrome Medical Interest Group (DSMIG) DS-ASD committee, which provides expertise to healthcare professionals who work with individuals with Down …