
Clinician Guide: Program Development and Best Practices for Treating Severe Behaviors in Autism … of life for autistic people and their families.  To improve systems of care for this population, Autism Speaks convened a group of multi-disciplinary experts to develop the Clinician Guide: Program Development and Best Practices for Treating … The goal of this guide is to help providers:  Expand their understanding of intense challenging behaviors in autism  Support individuals experiencing significant behavior challenges who may harm themselves or those around them  Develop …
Meet Miles W.… showing signs of delays, my initial thoughts were of worry and fear. At the time, I wasn’t sure what I should be doing to support him, but I prayed a lot and asked the Lord to order my steps. I sought out speech and group speech therapies, as well as occupational therapy in school. Outside of school, I enrolled Miles in Tae Kwon Do, … be a greater focus on transition services for teens and young adults who have aged out of educational programs or community supports. Organizations like Autism Speaks need to continue to build relationships with companies to provide employment …