
Expert Q&A: Supporting siblings of autistic children with aggressive behaviors … for the other child and have long term effects if unaddressed.  It's important for parents and caregivers to know how to support their children through these challenges by acknowledging their feelings, keeping lines of communication open and teaching healthy coping strategies. Support groups can be a valuable tool, giving both siblings and parents a safe space to share their experiences and learn new …
Autism Speaks to host Thought Leadership Summit on Challenging Behaviors… Autism Speaks will convene an invited group of researchers, clinicians, autistic adults and other autism community members virtually on Dec. 3 and 4, 2020, to … with social interactions or might not be appropriate for work or school, to behavior challenges that require significant support, such as aggression and self-injury. There are few programs that provide the level of care needed for those with more significant support needs, and families often face obstacles like distance and financial limitations that keep them from accessing them. …
Things to Look For in Your Child's Team… quite complex, so it is helpful to take a broad approach when evaluating concerns, and deciding how to provide appropriate support. In order to meet their various needs, many people with autism, especially those with challenging behaviors, need a … have you worked collaboratively in the past? “I have to say, we were lucky enough from the beginning to have assembled a group of fine people who had the very best intentions of helping my son Eli. But a few months into his preschool year, after … the provider’s experience by asking at his office, or by connecting with school or agency staff, other parents, or local support groups for suggestions and recommendations. What is your experience in working with individuals with autism? This …
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)… at home, at school, and in the community Teaches skills that are useful in everyday life Can involve one-to-one teaching or group instruction Positive reinforcement Positive reinforcement is one of the main strategies used in ABA. When a behavior … and others are directed by the person with autism. Parents, family members and caregivers receive training so they can support learning and skill practice throughout the day. The person with autism will have many opportunities to learn and …