
Autism & Eating Challenges: You Are Not Alone!… is well intended, it can make you feel isolated when others can’t fathom your experience.  The importance of community support And when we feel there’s no one with whom we can discuss our own anxieties, our thoughts can start spinning inside … “ Walk Now for Autism Speaks ” or through your region’s AS-ATN center . Perhaps you’ll even feel inspired to start your own support group using these and other ways to connect with other families. Creating a long-term plan Establishing a support group
Grade-schooler with Autism Nauseated by Food Smells… Kuschner, of The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, a member of the  Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network . With the support of an Autism Speaks research grant , Dr. Kuschner is developing and testing a cognitive behavioral treatment … at a picture of the cafeteria together. Then plan small steps that build on your son’s progress. I recommend enlisting the support of a trusted adult in your son's school such as a counselor, psychologist or teacher. Your son will likely benefit … in a socially acceptable way. Instead of having a meltdown outside of the cafeteria at lunch, could he be part of a lunch group that eats somewhere other than the cafeteria? Perhaps you could talk with your son’s teachers and counselors about …
Autism and drooling… socially stigmatizing when it continues beyond infancy. It’s also unhygienic – an important issue as your son enters group settings such as preschool. That said, drooling in some situations – for instance, while sleeping – is generally … spill from parted lips. The therapist can help you position your child in ways that encourage proper trunk control and head support. Build oral muscle strength and control.  Therapists use a variety of playful oral-motor exercises to help children …