
Clinician Guide: Program Development and Best Practices for Treating Severe Behaviors in Autism … of life for autistic people and their families.  To improve systems of care for this population, Autism Speaks convened a group of multi-disciplinary experts to develop the Clinician Guide: Program Development and Best Practices for Treating … The goal of this guide is to help providers:  Expand their understanding of intense challenging behaviors in autism  Support individuals experiencing significant behavior challenges who may harm themselves or those around them  Develop …
Autism and mental health in young people… to address the special needs of people with autism? Naturally, there is no one treatment for a mental health crisis in any group of people – including those who have autism. Mental health professionals draw from many types of treatments to address … crises in youth with autism. We found that psychiatrists who saw youth with autism felt they lacked the professional support they needed when these young patients were in crisis – for example, support from other mental health professionals with special expertise in crisis management or a crisis-evaluation center. …
Seeking Therapy: Options and considerations for autistic adults… Some people go to therapy after being diagnosed with a mental health condition. Others have a specific behavior or need support through a challenging short-term period. For others, therapy is a safe space to talk and get support in solving the … to CBT. However, DBT focuses more on regulating emotions, being mindful, and accepting uncomfortable thoughts and feelings. Group Therapy is a form of psychotherapy involving one or more psychologists leading a group of roughly five to 15 patients. …
Transition to college and beyond: A personal story… to emphasize my strengths. It made me more confident to make really meaningful goals that I could achieve with the right supports. My goal was to go to college. The clear best way to do that was to get my GED since my education was not … who also taught a GED class. She led me to taking her class. I also had a communication assistant who attended with me and supported me for the next seven years. Anxiety was tough, but they reassured me. My teacher didn’t judge me on my sensory … me make very deliberate decisions that are well thought through, and I can talk about my feelings. I also attend a social group. Learning about making friends is important to me.  The social group keeps people connected. My therapists have been …
For Josh E., a big move opened the door to happiness and self-discovery… teaching assistant in his home of Pensacola Beach, Florida. His new life has opened the doors to a rewarding career, solid support system and fulfilling environment where he can be himself. But his road to success wasn’t always smooth sailing. In … are some things you do for self-care? One thing I learned at my job is that coloring is very therapeutic for me. One of the group activities I do with the children in my class is drawing sessions, and to participate, I print off a few pages to … in Kansas. But I also didn’t have the same mindset then—I didn’t have that passion to push me forward and explore. Social support is also important. I have my parents, I have friends in Kansas and I have a great deal of mentors for encouragement. …