
Avoiding victimization… Debbaudt is the parent of a young man who has autism, an author, law enforcement trainer and producer of autism-related videos and curriculum for law enforcement agencies. His materials are in use by law enforcement agencies in the U.S., Canada …
Swim and water safety… YMCAs offer special needs swim instruction, so this could be another option to consider. The program Swim Angelfish has videos with tips and strategies for teaching swimming on their YouTube page. Keep the lessons fun and interactive.  You can …
Interacting with law enforcement … Debbaudt is the parent of a young man who has autism, an author, law enforcement trainer and producer of autism-related videos and curriculum for law enforcement agencies. His materials are in use by law enforcement agencies in the U.S., Canada …
Autism & Highways: Is Attraction Common? How Can We Safeguard our Son?… at cars, you can create enjoyable opportunities to share this interest with him. These activities might include watching videos of cars, reading about cars or playing with toy cars. If your son’s highway fascination is driven by the sensory …