
Swim and Water Safety… YMCAs offer special needs swim instruction, so this could be another option to consider. The program Swim Angelfish has videos with tips and strategies for teaching swimming on their YouTube page. Keep the lessons fun and interactive.  You can …
Autism Speaks connects families and caregivers of children with autism to essential skills through Caregivers Skills Training program… connection. “WHO’s digital CST experience, eCST, delivers pre-recorded courses and digital content, including quick tip videos, quizzes and prompts, to caregivers who lack access to in-person group trainings,” said Dr. Chiara Servili, who leads …
Autism symptoms… need for routine Extreme distress at even small changes in plans or routine Ritualistic behaviors (e.g. watching the same videos over and over, repeatedly touching objects in a set order) Need for routine (e.g. same daily schedule, meal menu, …
The joys and challenges of being a father with autismVideo (Responsive)."]}   When you found out that you were going to be a dad, what thoughts ran through your mind? Initially, … there hardly are any. So, I just googled about life on the spectrum from the views of others. I read studies and watched videos to try to better understand autism and then I took an approach to really look at the way autism affects me. This …
Interacting with law enforcement … Debbaudt is the parent of a young man who has autism, an author, law enforcement trainer and producer of autism-related videos and curriculum for law enforcement agencies. His materials are in use by law enforcement agencies in the U.S., Canada …
Meet Geoff and Connor… Aside from his jobs, Connor has many interests and hobbies. He’s a big fan of Star Wars, Legos, steam trains, Pokémon, video gaming, YouTube videos and anything technology based. He loves family gatherings, especially in his own house, where he is most …
COVID-19: Tips and resources for autistic people and families… loved ones on the spectrum more comfortable with masks starting at home. It may take time, so keep trying. Check out our videos for caregivers  and for autistic adults  for more support If you or your loved one on the spectrum are unable to wear …
Tips for creating an autism-friendly Thanksgiving… bag of your child’s preferred activities and sensory items wherever you go. If your child has a special interest, like videos or games, bringing those can help them stay happy and occupied. The second thing to consider is that some autistic …
One family’s story of navigating their son’s Down syndrome/autism dual diagnosis … and I’d like to share a bit about my son, Jake. Jake, 14, is just like most other kids his age. He loves to watch music videos on his Kindle and is a wonderful dancer. He has a good throwing arm, likes to play basketball and loves to swim. Just …
Sleep… can lead to having trouble paying attention, feeling restless, getting angry, and throwing tantrums. Watching TV, videos, or playing on the computer, especially if the shows or games are scary or violent, can lead to kids with autism … routines. Then the parents can learn ways to help their child sleep better, for instance by cutting back on computer or video game time. Teaching parents about sleep habits, and sometimes using the right medicine can help kids with autism sleep …