
Social Skills and Autism… by the idea of new experiences. Building up social skills with practice can help enhance participation in the community and support outcomes like happiness and friendships. We have compiled social skills tips and information from experts, teachers, … school, and in the community. A special education teacher, speech pathologist, or other clinician may lead a “social skills group” that combines direct, explicit instruction with opportunities to practice and generalize these skills in more natural …
Meet Chade` K.… provided her with an overwhelming sense of relief. With the help of her neurotypical husband, Oliver, and various other support systems she discovered through her work as an avid self-advocate, Chade` is thriving in all facets of her life: She … with autism and helps to build relationships between constituents and legislators at the federal level.  This diverse group of advocates includes nearly 345 volunteers from 46 states and the District of Columbia .  Learn more about Chade` in … awareness?   To bring people on the spectrum out of shadows and make representatives of their state aware of the need to support autism. In my city, representatives were not aware of the need for the autism community. Through this program, we …
Should I pursue an autism diagnosis as an adult?… you to go through the effort of pursuing a diagnosis. However, you describe a number of important challenges that warrant support. You can get help for some of these issues without an autism diagnosis. For example, a psychologist may be able to … plan provides. In addition, many colleges have supportive programs and services for students with a diagnosis of autism. Support groups You may or may not need an autism diagnosis to join an adult support group or social skills training group in your …
Tips to create inclusive sports and recreation activities… shared interests. One option is through high-quality adaptive programs – those designed for people with disabilities in a supportive environment, from the Special Olympics to local therapeutic horseback riding lessons to school LEGO clubs. Since … individuals with and without disabilities participate together. Some activities and programs are already designed with the support needs of people with disabilities in mind. (Think: online video gaming.) But what happens when they are not? Here we … online within your county or state can open doors. One of the wonderful things about technology is there are virtual groups based on shared interest open to people across the world. These can be ideal if you feel burned out in general or if …
Life on Campus… to become familiar with the school’s disability-related resources so that you can be sure to advocate for the services and supports to which you are entitled. While you are deciding which postsecondary path is the best fit for you, you may also … also a great idea to work on any skills you think will enable you to make your experience as successful as possible. Campus Supports for Students with Disabilities If a college or university does not offer ASD-specific programming, your family … to consider: Does the counseling center have professionals who are trained in supporting individuals with autism? Are group counseling options available on campus? How long may a student receive counseling support on campus? If sessions are …
Social skills classes produce lasting benefits for adults with autism… of class. The Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills (PEERS) Conversation, humor and more The group classes focused on conversational skills, appropriate use of humor and electronic communication, identifying sources … in the study, the researchers propose. “Our study offers encouraging findings that, through an evidence-based, caregiver-supported intervention, adults with autism can improve in ways that may help them be more successful in these aspects of … exist for young adults on the spectrum. “It’s exciting to see a community-based treatment model using caregiver support to help improve social skills,” comments Kara Reagon, Autism Speaks associate director of dissemination science. …
Autism Speaks statement in response to reports of surge in COVID-19 cases among people with disabilities… swift action to respond to the immediate needs of people with autism and their families – through advocacy, services and supports, resources and direct assistance. We are deeply concerned by reports of increased incidence of COVID-19 among people with disabilities, particularly in group homes, as reported by the New York Times and other news outlets. In response to news of the rapid spread of COVID-19 … but reduce the risk of injury, neglect, abuse and death for residents at overburdened facilities. Congress must do more to support the disability community in the next COVID-19 relief bill. It is crucial that the bill include additional funds for …
Meet Kim M. … seventeen months old, she felt alone, overwhelmed, and terrified.  When the autism diagnosis came, she gave her son all the support she could to give him the best chance at an independent life.  By the age of 6, Kim says, “his father and I knew … his own. Despite all his progress, he would need 24/7 supervision until the day he died.”   She wanted to create a loving, supportive, safe forever home for her boy. “It has become the driving force of my life,” she says.   Throughout the years within this community, she has made many friends with parents who also have profoundly autistic kids. Within this group, the idea for HomeLife21 was born.   The friends' group came up with the idea to create their version of a group home …
Finding Information on Autism-Related Genes … 15q duplication syndrome, copy number variation Pheland-McDermid syndrome and DiGeorge syndrome . A number of advocacy groups and organizations provide information, parent and child support, research funds and services for those affected by these specific genetic disorders. (See list below.) … aware of an organization that specifically addresses Xp22.31 deletions. There are, however, a few Yahoo and Facebook parent support groups for Xp22.31 deletions. The National Society for Genetic Counselors provides a platform for finding genetic …
Adult autism diagnosis… autism diagnosis One reason to pursue an ASD evaluation is that an adult with a formal diagnosis could be eligible for supports, services and protection under the  Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) . The act spells out specific rights, … discrimination based on difficulties associated with autism. A diagnosis could also lead to state-provided vocational support services. This can include vocational rehabilitation programs that provide counseling and job placement services for … to Self-Empowerment for Autistic Adults Adulting on the Spectrum podcast Find your community Join our private Facebook group,  Adulting on the Spectrum , created to provide a space for autistic adults to cultivate friendships, find support and …