
Video: Catching up with Seth M. Video (Responsive)."]}   Now 15, the autistic Atlanta native continues his fitness journey with help from his family  When … to release his second book, ‘Seth Can Be Tech Savvy!’ this April through, so everybody be on the lookout!”  … Video: Catching up with Seth M. …
Sleep… can lead to having trouble paying attention, feeling restless, getting angry, and throwing tantrums. Watching TV, videos, or playing on the computer, especially if the shows or games are scary or violent, can lead to kids with autism … routines. Then the parents can learn ways to help their child sleep better, for instance by cutting back on computer or video game time. Teaching parents about sleep habits, and sometimes using the right medicine can help kids with autism sleep …
Making sense of autistic meltdowns in adults… You can also practice some common calming techniques like deep breathing, yoga, music and art therapy. Tutorials and videos are readily available for free online if you are not yet in a place to take part in a community activity. Whatever …