
Seeking Therapy: Options and considerations for autistic adults… Some people go to therapy after being diagnosed with a mental health condition. Others have a specific behavior or need support through a challenging short-term period. For others, therapy is a safe space to talk and get support in solving the … to CBT. However, DBT focuses more on regulating emotions, being mindful, and accepting uncomfortable thoughts and feelings. Group Therapy is a form of psychotherapy involving one or more psychologists leading a group of roughly five to 15 patients. …
Tips to create inclusive sports and recreation activities… shared interests. One option is through high-quality adaptive programs – those designed for people with disabilities in a supportive environment, from the Special Olympics to local therapeutic horseback riding lessons to school LEGO clubs. Since … individuals with and without disabilities participate together. Some activities and programs are already designed with the support needs of people with disabilities in mind. (Think: online video gaming.) But what happens when they are not? Here we … online within your county or state can open doors. One of the wonderful things about technology is there are virtual groups based on shared interest open to people across the world. These can be ideal if you feel burned out in general or if …
Study finds higher rates of gender diversity among autistic individuals… can improve their quality of life,” said Thomas W. Frazier, Ph.D., chief science officer at Autism Speaks. “By looking at groups of autistic people across several different types of data collected, this study gives us a more realistic idea of how … should focus on how to better meet their healthcare needs and what medical and mental health providers can do to best support their patients.” Read more about how parents can support autistic, gender-diverse youth in this Got Questions? article from Dr. Eric Butter, a clinician at the Division of …
Advocacy Perspective: During Black History Month, A Call To Action To Advance Health Equity … adverse health challenges.   Autism Speaks was a frequent flyer in my office on the Hill. I often met with a very diverse group of AS ambassadors. They not only advocated for the autistic community but for health equity generally. I saw as they … services. These data indicate that too many Black autistic children are going undiagnosed - without the services and support they need and deserve.  Our approach to change this is through community-based services that empower those who are … with autism and developmental disabilities or delays how to use their everyday routines and home activities to best support their children’s communication and behavioral health needs. Our Public Health Team’s work – which has impacted lives …
Autism and Exercise: Special Benefits… and Nutrition, at the University of Delaware. He conducts research on physical activity adapted to the needs of special groups. The phrase “exercise is medicine” is a common refrain among fitness experts and health practitioners. A wealth … even be a “peer tutor” – another child who understands how to communicate with your child and can provide some one-on-one support. Routine.  Most of us need routine, and this appears to be especially true for many people on the spectrum. I … the physical activity program.  Create a visual schedule   to help reinforce the routine.  (See the Autism Speaks Visual Supports Tool Kit link above for instructions on making a visual schedule.) Get visual.  Many people with autism are visual …
Benefits of Exercise for People with Autism… and Nutrition, at the University of Delaware. He conducts research on physical activity adapted to the needs of special groups. The phrase “exercise is medicine” is a common refrain among fitness experts and health practitioners. A wealth … even be a “peer tutor” – another child who understands how to communicate with your child and can provide some one-on-one support. Get Visual:  Many people with autism are visual learners. Visual supports such as task cards, physical demonstrations and video modelling often prove very helpful. Routine:  Most of us need …