
Expert Q&A: Dr. Ryan Adams shares tips and resources to end bullying… in the UC Department of Pediatrics at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, a member site of the Autism Speaks-supported Autism Care Network . His research focuses on adolescents, peer victimization, bullying and depressive symptoms.   … some examples of strategies you offer in the guides?  We know the most effective way to stop bullying is giving the larger group of bystanders the tools they need to recognize when it’s happening and get involved. A lot of times, people get away … with bullying by saying they were kidding, so we teach kids that doesn’t matter. Then, we give them different strategies to support the person being bullied. For example, the easiest thing to do if you witness bullying in school is not to laugh. …
Transition from school-based services to HCBS Waiver adult services… my local County Boards of Developmental Disabilities (CBDD) office based on life skills. I was assigned a services and support specialist who attended my IEP meetings to help with transition planning. By the middle of my senior year, my family … was vocational focused. It included time in a classroom learning office tasks and participating in leisure activities with support, and time volunteering at a local community center which ran a food bank, preschool, and fitness center with a kids’ … to note that the Department of Developmental Disabilities at the state level has announced that they formed a work group to focus on redesigning these waivers in the future .) Waivers can pay for things such as adult day programs; …