
Review of interventions for autistic adults finds lack of evidence-based treatments … of related studies found that very few treatments have been studied to effectively address the specific needs of this group. The review also found that priorities of autistic adults were overlooked in the existing research.  In a review … question about which of these outcomes matter most to autistic adults, and far more research is needed to recommend ways to support health as they age.”  Research into autistic adult health has identified several health outcomes, such as early … the federal Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee.  Of the studies reviewed, two interventions showed some evidence of supporting better psychiatric health outcomes.   Cognitive behavior therapy and mindfulness-based interventions, both …
Social skills classes produce lasting benefits for adults with autism… of class. The Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills (PEERS) Conversation, humor and more The group classes focused on conversational skills, appropriate use of humor and electronic communication, identifying sources … in the study, the researchers propose. “Our study offers encouraging findings that, through an evidence-based, caregiver-supported intervention, adults with autism can improve in ways that may help them be more successful in these aspects of … exist for young adults on the spectrum. “It’s exciting to see a community-based treatment model using caregiver support to help improve social skills,” comments Kara Reagon, Autism Speaks associate director of dissemination science. …
Expert Q&A: Dr. Ryan Adams shares tips and resources to end bullying… in the UC Department of Pediatrics at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, a member site of the Autism Speaks-supported Autism Care Network . His research focuses on adolescents, peer victimization, bullying and depressive symptoms.   … some examples of strategies you offer in the guides?  We know the most effective way to stop bullying is giving the larger group of bystanders the tools they need to recognize when it’s happening and get involved. A lot of times, people get away … with bullying by saying they were kidding, so we teach kids that doesn’t matter. Then, we give them different strategies to support the person being bullied. For example, the easiest thing to do if you witness bullying in school is not to laugh. …