
One family’s story of navigating their son’s Down syndrome/autism dual diagnosis … and I’d like to share a bit about my son, Jake. Jake, 14, is just like most other kids his age. He loves to watch music videos on his Kindle and is a wonderful dancer. He has a good throwing arm, likes to play basketball and loves to swim. Just …
Learning to love myself… skills for neurodiverse individuals. Diagnosed later in life as autistic, he writes blogs and articles, records coaching videos and podcasts, and presents at conferences and support groups, sharing stories and thoughts as to how one can achieve …
Síntomas del autismo… Angustia extrema incluso ante pequeños cambios en los planes o la rutina Conductas ritualistas (por ejemplo, ver los mismos videos una y otra vez, tocar objetos repetidamente en un orden establecido) Necesidad de rutina (por ejemplo, el mismo …
Autism, probiotics and dietary fiber: Q&A with GI Specialist Tim Buie … to “Autism and Probiotics” the second segment in Autism Speaks’ “Office Hours” series with GI specialist Timothy Buie. (See video below). Dr. Buie is the director of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition at MassGeneral Hospital’s Lurie Center … visit may be a way to narrow in on a particular issue. Make the appointment and come with your specific concerns including videos or behavioral logs illustrating the signs and symptoms that concern you. Don’t try to get other business done during …
Making sense of autistic meltdowns in adults… You can also practice some common calming techniques like deep breathing, yoga, music and art therapy. Tutorials and videos are readily available for free online if you are not yet in a place to take part in a community activity. Whatever …