
Autism Speaks urges adapted hospital policies to allow support providers for autistic and disabled people… guardians or support providers.  Autism Speaks applauds the 14 states * that have issued direct guidance to hospitals to grant exceptions to visitor restrictions for people with disabilities, allowing them a guardian or support person at their …
Holiday Safety Plan: Preventing meltdowns, wanderings and accidents… experience in teaching safety skills to people of all ages and all levels of autism. Kidpower was previously awarded a grant from Autism Speaks to increase the access and relevance of  their “People Safety” curriculum for this community.  … …
Five Tips for Grandparents of a Child with Autism… case an unexpected “crisis” develops.  2. Change what you can and let the rest go (a.k.a using the Serenity Prayer). “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can, And the wisdom to know …