
Video: Meet Leonardo A.Video (Responsive)."]}   Aprende mas sobre Leo en nuestro podcast . Leo, de 4 años de edad, recibió su diagnóstico de … kindergarten in the fall. His mother Jessica attributes his progress throughout the years to his therapy. Bravo Leo! … Video: Meet Leonardo A. …
Meet Geoff and Connor… Aside from his jobs, Connor has many interests and hobbies. He’s a big fan of Star Wars, Legos, steam trains, Pokémon, video gaming, YouTube videos and anything technology based. He loves family gatherings, especially in his own house, where he is most …
One family’s story of navigating their son’s Down syndrome/autism dual diagnosis … and I’d like to share a bit about my son, Jake. Jake, 14, is just like most other kids his age. He loves to watch music videos on his Kindle and is a wonderful dancer. He has a good throwing arm, likes to play basketball and loves to swim. Just …