
Video: Autistic women tell stories of late diagnosis… and we had all suffered from some form of mental illness. It was actually due to my own mental illness that the idea of a video and the energy to make it was possible. I was in a manic bipolar phase at the time when the idea came to me, and subsequently I was able to spend hours developing the idea and producing the actual video. I put out a request on my blog asking for any women who would like to take part. I certainly wasn’t expecting as many …
Meet Geoff and Connor… Aside from his jobs, Connor has many interests and hobbies. He’s a big fan of Star Wars, Legos, steam trains, Pokémon, video gaming, YouTube videos and anything technology based. He loves family gatherings, especially in his own house, where he is most …
One family’s story of navigating their son’s Down syndrome/autism dual diagnosis … and I’d like to share a bit about my son, Jake. Jake, 14, is just like most other kids his age. He loves to watch music videos on his Kindle and is a wonderful dancer. He has a good throwing arm, likes to play basketball and loves to swim. Just …
Meet Chris T.Video (Responsive)."]}   If you watched any Autism Speaks videos, you you may have had the privilege of hearing Chris T, a 30-year-old voice actor, narrate. It was rather fortuitous …