
Video: Catching up with Seth M. Video (Responsive)."]}   Now 15, the autistic Atlanta native continues his fitness journey with help from his family  When … to release his second book, ‘Seth Can Be Tech Savvy!’ this April through, so everybody be on the lookout!”  … Video: Catching up with Seth M. …
The benefits of physical activity and a healthy lifestyle… prior to the school year and hopefully get a head start with making friends. I spoke to her about it and showed her videos of cheerleading. She seemed very excited and agreed to try it without hesitation!”  Like many autistic children, …
Seguridad en el agua y la natación… con necesidades especiales, por lo que ésta podría ser otra opción a tener en cuenta. El programa Swim Angelfish tiene videos con sugerencias y estrategias para enseñar a nadar (en Inglés) en su página de YouTube. Procure que las clases sean …
Making sense of autistic meltdowns in adults… You can also practice some common calming techniques like deep breathing, yoga, music and art therapy. Tutorials and videos are readily available for free online if you are not yet in a place to take part in a community activity. Whatever …