
Challenges of COVID-19 disruptions: Guidance for autism service providers… lockdowns have been in place for a month or more. We hope this guidance will help you to continue your important work supporting people with autism and their families. Prepare before lockdown/during minimally restricted movement : Set up a … of printable tools, digital downloads, videos and other specific needs that families may request. Try to set up a caregiver support group via an online platform, such as Facebook groups or other technology such as WeChat, where parents and caregivers can …
Family Advisors:  The power and importance of connection… MPA. For many families who care for a loved one with autism spectrum disorder, access to knowledge and resources to support autism is critical. The right supports can enhance a life that is meaningful and productive. For me and my colleague, Liza Krassner, we understand how … of the Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network /Autism Intervention Research Network on Physical Health (ATN/AIR-P). This group of 12 sites across the U.S. and Canada represent a wide array of autism services, research and clinical programs, …