
Researchers outline method to create gene list for autism-linked genetic variants … A multidisciplinary group of autism researchers proposed a new method for identifying whether certain gene changes are linked to autism, in a … know how certain gene changes impact a person with autism, ultimately helping us to develop tailored treatments that will support that person,” said Dr. Thomas Frazier, Ph.D., Autism Speaks chief science officer and an author of the paper. After … an autism diagnosis, providers will be better able to offer autistic children and adults more personalized health care and supports. … Researchers outline method to create gene list for autism-linked genetic variants …
Identical twins with autism differ significantly in severity of social traits… by our environment. It also confirms what we know about the importance of getting intervention as early as possible to support development,” said Autism Speaks Chief Science Officer Thomas W. Frazier. “Repeating this study with larger groups may help us understand those environmental factors where we might be able to best support optimal development for young children at risk for autism.” Using genetic data and clinical information, researchers …
Autism Speaks announces pilot sites for groundbreaking project linking discovery science and clinical research… $6.15M including a leading gift of $3.5M from the Wise Family Foundation of Toronto, Canada. These generous commitments support the $12 million expansion of PATH, the next phase of MSSNG, to include not only whole genome sequence data but also … of the data and findings. These larger datasets increase the ability for researchers to find patterns and connections in groups of very different people. Due to the broad and variable ways each person is affected by autism, when testing … people.” About Autism Care Network A first of its kind learning health system for autism, the Autism Care Network, with support from Autism Speaks is built on more than a decade of work in improving autism care and a family-centered approach to …
COVID-19 survey reveals widespread challenges for autism community and wider disparities for minority communities … community are struggling even more, particularly with basic needs.”  Minority respondents, who made up about half of the group surveyed, reported more struggles with a variety of needs related to the pandemic, basic needs, daily routines and education.  The largest disparities were in the areas of food insecurity and receiving distance learning supports, with nonwhite respondents experiencing twice the food insecurity of white respondents and twice as likely to not receive any distance learning supports. Food insecurity was measured as food for the household having run out and families not having enough money to buy …
Small study finds B12 injections ease autism symptoms in some children… in some children who have the disorder. The researchers found that the behavior improvement occurred primarily in a subgroup of children who showed particular blood chemistry changes after the methyl B12 injections . In these children, the … time. Some earlier research has suggested that the process is impaired in some people with autism . The new study, supported by a grant from Autism Speaks , appears online in the Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology . It is … metabolic abnormality – impaired methylation capacity – holds the potential to improve [autism] symptoms.” They call for support of a larger controlled trial to check and clarify their results. For related news and blog posts, also see: Grandma …
Autism Speaks awards over $550,000 for autism research… more effective, personalized care in the years ahead,” said Autism Speaks Chief Science Officer Andy Shih. “We are proud to support a promising group of young scientists who are propelling the field of autism research forward in new directions.”  Grant applications …
Family Advisors:  The power and importance of connection… MPA. For many families who care for a loved one with autism spectrum disorder, access to knowledge and resources to support autism is critical. The right supports can enhance a life that is meaningful and productive. For me and my colleague, Liza Krassner, we understand how … of the Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network /Autism Intervention Research Network on Physical Health (ATN/AIR-P). This group of 12 sites across the U.S. and Canada represent a wide array of autism services, research and clinical programs, …