
Autism Speaks awards $135k in grant funding to support Latino autistic youth in Houston, TX … the transition to adulthood for Latino autistic youth. As a major funder of autism research, Autism Speaks is committed to supporting research and innovation that drives towards improved quality of life and well-being for individuals with autism … Shih. “The grant for this year’s postdoctoral fellowship aims to bridge the service gap in Houston, enhancing mental health support and easing the transition to adulthood for these youth." This year, fellowship applicants were required to focus on … mental health conditions. This fellowship funds a pilot test of this community-developed telehealth program, among a group of 30 Latino autistic young adults and their families, aiming for broader outreach in the region. … Autism Speaks …
Researchers outline method to create gene list for autism-linked genetic variants … A multidisciplinary group of autism researchers proposed a new method for identifying whether certain gene changes are linked to autism, in a … know how certain gene changes impact a person with autism, ultimately helping us to develop tailored treatments that will support that person,” said Dr. Thomas Frazier, Ph.D., Autism Speaks chief science officer and an author of the paper. After … an autism diagnosis, providers will be better able to offer autistic children and adults more personalized health care and supports. … Researchers outline method to create gene list for autism-linked genetic variants …
Autism in Africa: Transforming care and services for a brighter future… spectrum disorder (ASD) and other developmental disabilities face stigmatization, delayed diagnosis and limited access to support services. In many countries, challenges in service delivery are compounded by humanitarian concerns like armed … meeting of the minds focused on advances in global science, practice and policy. As I sat among this distinguished group ahead of International Day of Persons with Disabilities, I was proud to represent Autism Speaks alongside my … and UNICEF to launch the Global Report on Children with Developmental Disabilities . Developed with technical and financial support from Autism Speaks, this report is a roadmap for advocates and policymakers in underserved countries around the …
Study finds health disparities for LGBTQ+ autistic adults … were among the respondents. “The healthcare system is not currently working for many LGBTQ+ autistic adults, when this group has a greater need for health services,” said Dr. Andy Shih, Ph.D., senior vice president, public health and inclusion … research at Autism Speaks demonstrates a large unmet need for healthcare for people with autism,” said Shih. “Where these groups intersect, the community and the healthcare system need to come together to provide added support and remove barriers to appropriate care.” … Study finds health disparities for LGBTQ+ autistic adults …
COVID-19 survey reveals widespread challenges for autism community and wider disparities for minority communities … community are struggling even more, particularly with basic needs.”  Minority respondents, who made up about half of the group surveyed, reported more struggles with a variety of needs related to the pandemic, basic needs, daily routines and education.  The largest disparities were in the areas of food insecurity and receiving distance learning supports, with nonwhite respondents experiencing twice the food insecurity of white respondents and twice as likely to not receive any distance learning supports. Food insecurity was measured as food for the household having run out and families not having enough money to buy …
Study: Eye Contact Declines Early in Babies Who Later Develop Autism… with autism. The researchers tested each infant 10 times between 2 and 24 months. Initial levels of eye contact for both groups were similar. But infants who did not develop autism increased their eye contact over time, while eye contact … steadily declined among the 13 infants later diagnosed with autism. (Twelve of the 13 were from the high-risk baby siblings group.) In addition, those infants whose levels of eye contact diminished most rapidly were the most disabled by symptoms of … In fact, earlier eye-gaze studies done without eye-tracking technology failed to capture the pattern. The new results also support the strong role that genetic and prenatal factors play in the development of ASD, Dr. Wang adds. “Some people have …
Autism Speaks awards over $550,000 for autism research… more effective, personalized care in the years ahead,” said Autism Speaks Chief Science Officer Andy Shih. “We are proud to support a promising group of young scientists who are propelling the field of autism research forward in new directions.”  Grant applications …
Family Advisors:  The power and importance of connection… MPA. For many families who care for a loved one with autism spectrum disorder, access to knowledge and resources to support autism is critical. The right supports can enhance a life that is meaningful and productive. For me and my colleague, Liza Krassner, we understand how … of the Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network /Autism Intervention Research Network on Physical Health (ATN/AIR-P). This group of 12 sites across the U.S. and Canada represent a wide array of autism services, research and clinical programs, …