
My story of being diagnosed with autism late… very clear to me. Even though I liked to socialize and had some friends, I started to feel isolated when kids began to form groups and I got left out. So I decided that I wasn’t going to let that happen again in high school (age 12), and started … weirdo, I actually belonged to a group of people that were just different. It gave me clarity, belonging, peace of mind and support. Obviously I had my times while struggling with the question of what Asperger’s meant to me, and if it defined me, especially when I decided to work fulltime as a model. Would I really be able to travel the world, without my support system at home and without any sense of stability? But I know now that even with a disorder, you’re able to learn, …
Coding and autism: Learning the skills I need to start a tech career… I had a deep sense of home and hope and optimism, knowing that finally I have a place to put all my energy and a great of group of people who can direct me and be patient with me while I learn the skills I need in order to help myself in the … have teamed up to create the NXT GEN Coders Program. Powered by GameStop and administered by Autism Speaks, the grant will support programs to teach people with autism of all ages critical coding and computer programming skills.  … Coding and …