
Teamwork and time management: Lessons from Autism Speaks intern, Binh… involved data entry and analysis and database management, which I liked. I mostly worked for the Science and Services and Supports group. Much of my work was around the function of the Autism Speaks website. There are a lot of URLS and I could see how the …
Peter B., an autistic college student, shares strategies that have helped him live independently… figured it out when I moved into the dorm at 19 because I was forced to do it regularly. When I was younger, I needed support to do different tasks, but I've since built up structures in my life that allow me to do them independently. For … on me, but the instruction was largely focused on theoretical content with no actual practice opportunities outside of that group. In retrospect, I think I might have gotten better results in another environment. If you had to share one lesson with … Roadmap to Postsecondary Education Read a clinician’s tips for teaching self-care skills to autistic youth with high support needs … Peter B., an autistic college student, shares strategies that have helped him live independently …