
Sensory Friendly Movie: The Addams Family at B&B Theatres… our first Embraced event! On October 19 at 11am there will be a sensory friendly presentation of The Addam's Family Halloween at B&B Theaters Shawnee 18. This movie experience will feature theater lights left on and the volume turned down …
Play Your Way Trick or Treat Night… Come experience the Children's Museum & Theatre of Maine and celebrate Halloween during a low-key, inclusive playtime for children with sensory integration differences. Stop by trick or treat …
A New Year for Inclusion: How my son found his 'matcher' … he developed. To know he has a friend seeking him out in class made my heart swell with joy. Find Your Matcher Right before Halloween this little girl’s mom wrote me to share that while they were out shopping, her daughter insisted that her mother …
Meet Alex F. and Jair V.… Jair has big goals for his future: when he is old enough, he wants to be a barista at Starbucks. In fact, this year at Halloween, a holiday he never really enjoyed before, this goal inspired him to proudly wear a Starbucks barista costume to …
Spanish resources help bilingual families in the autism community overcome language barriers … Jair has big goals for his future: when he is old enough, he wants to be a barista at Starbucks. In fact, this year at Halloween, a holiday he never really enjoyed before, this goal inspired him to proudly wear a Starbucks barista costume to …