
Autism and budget-friendly Halloween costume ideas… and many come with some sort of mask or head covering that is hot, stinky and uncomfortable. They can be the stuff of real Halloween horror for some autistic kids, leaving their families to wonder if they can get their child to dress up at all.   … of the world ruin your child’s good time. Here are some tricks to help get the treats, and keep everyone sweet, on Halloween: Favorite thing When my son was one, he was obsessed with circles. So that's what he was for Halloween. It was …
Happy Halloween: A guide for making the holiday fun for everyone…   Halloween is a fun night of costumes and candy for kids of all ages. But for those on the autism spectrum , scary sounds and … tight or scratchy costumes and going out at night can be a lot to handle. Helping your child know what to expect from Halloween can help make it a fun time for everyone. To help you get Halloween off to a good start: Use our personalized …
Leaning into autism: Adapt the holiday season to fit your needs… holidays are unfulfilling. Everyone’s holiday calendar is different. My holiday season begins in October with the run-up to Halloween. This year as my neighbors decorated for Halloween, I felt my stress building. Then we fell back an hour. The change from daylight saving time is very confusing for …
A New Year for Inclusion: How my son found his 'matcher' … he developed. To know he has a friend seeking him out in class made my heart swell with joy. Find Your Matcher Right before Halloween this little girl’s mom wrote me to share that while they were out shopping, her daughter insisted that her mother …
Spanish resources help bilingual families in the autism community overcome language barriers … Jair has big goals for his future: when he is old enough, he wants to be a barista at Starbucks. In fact, this year at Halloween, a holiday he never really enjoyed before, this goal inspired him to proudly wear a Starbucks barista costume to …