
Happy Halloween: A guide for making the holiday fun for everyone…   Halloween is a fun night of costumes and candy for kids of all ages. But for those on the autism spectrum , scary sounds and … tight or scratchy costumes and going out at night can be a lot to handle. Helping your child know what to expect from Halloween can help make it a fun time for everyone. To help you get Halloween off to a good start: Use our personalized …
Leaning into autism: Adapt the holiday season to fit your needs… holidays are unfulfilling. Everyone’s holiday calendar is different. My holiday season begins in October with the run-up to Halloween. This year as my neighbors decorated for Halloween, I felt my stress building. Then we fell back an hour. The change from daylight saving time is very confusing for …
Spanish resources help bilingual families in the autism community overcome language barriers … Jair has big goals for his future: when he is old enough, he wants to be a barista at Starbucks. In fact, this year at Halloween, a holiday he never really enjoyed before, this goal inspired him to proudly wear a Starbucks barista costume to …