Autism Speaks advocacy priorities to support people with autism through re-opening of community life

July 29, 2020

At Autism Speaks, we are committed to advocating for the needs of every person with autism, across the spectrum and throughout the life span. We urge federal, state and local officials to ensure the safe re-opening of community life, accommodations for access to community activities for people with autism, and dedicated resources to protect the health and safety amid the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes:

  • Increased federal funding to support states and local school districts in meeting the educational needs of students with autism as well as enhanced funding for home and community-based services.
  • Safe and equitable re-opening of schools or other ways to provide in-person learning and support services to meet the needs of all students on the spectrum, to include appropriate staffing, health and safety resources.
  • Supporting public health measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19, specifically among people with autism who may be at greater risk for serious illness, such as masks, social distancing and hygiene.
  • Supporting accommodations for people with autism who are unable to practice these measures themselves due to their disability.

Click here for a full list of our public policy priorities.