What I am Thankful for this Year

By Allyson Jones

This is a guest blog by Allyson is 23 and autistic.  

Allyson standing outside next to her mom, Lisa

My name is Allyson, I am 23 years old and I am autistic. This year I am thankful for many things.

This year I have been working with a program each week to work with me on practicing my interview skills for potential jobs. She is also working with me on eye contact and my self-confidence. She also helps me understand what will be expected of me when I find a job. 

I am confident that in the new year I will find a part-time job that I can be proud of and enjoy.

I am most thankful for my parents, they help take care of me and I can always count on them whenever I need them.

I am thankful for my brother, when he is home from school he always makes time for me. He takes me places and buys me things. He always answers my text messages no matter how busy he gets. Finally, I am also thankful for my friends and boyfriend. I am looking forward to the new year and what great things it might bring for me.


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