On National Sibling Day, reflections on the role sisters play in my family

By Chole Rothschild
Chole Rothchild on a swing wearing headphones

This guest blog post is by Chole Rothchild. Chole is a young adult with autism who is on a mission to advocate and teach others about autism from her perspective. Chloe is one of the co-authors of "My Interception Workbook for Teens, Adolescents and Adults.

Growing up it was just my sister J and I; the 2 of us. One of our favorite activities to play as children was playing babies with our American Girl Dolls. I am 2 years older than my sister J, but she very much so plays the role of “big” sister. I’m totally okay with that. It’s our normal; we do not know any different, it’s just how things are. I look up to her. When I need her, she’s there. When she needs me, I’m there. I’ve learned that it doesn’t matter and one cannot think about the order in which accomplishments were made, or how things “ should be” or “ would have been” Focus on what things are, and love each other. Even on the hardest of days, accept being frustrated, you are human, get back up again and love with all of your heart. We may not live 5 minutes from each other, but I know J is always a text, phone call, or FaceTime away. 

In 2014, my now stepbrothers and stepsister O, E, Z, C and B came into my life. I, E, Z, and C were still quite young. Living with me, helping me, celebrating my accomplishments no matter how small, loving and accepting me just became normal for us as a family. I was never less then. B did a great job of including me, and accepting me. They all love me and I love them. It was different, you see my sister had known me all of her life, when I met them I was already 21 years old. They each had to do things like give me their room, try and understand why it was okay for me to have my iPad at the restaurant table sometimes, even when they couldn’t etc. Presently, O, E, Z and C are teenagers and they’ve grown into great young men. Our love for each other is unconditional. This is our normal. B may live over 800 plus miles from me, but our love for each other is still strong. 

I met J when he was around 19 years old. I was I was 24 years old. I love spending time with J, adventures are so fun. He, like the rest of my siblings is so loving and accepting. He may not live right near me, but we text etc. I also enjoy getting to see each other.

As you can tell, I have a lot of siblings, they all love me and I love all of them. I may be the oldest, but they play the “older” sibling role in many ways and that’s okay. This is just the dynamics of my family. 

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