Join Us for a Brighter Life on the Spectrum

A new campaign featuring stories across the spectrum and throughout the life span

October 11, 2019
Brighter Life on the Spectrum

Introducing a new brand campaign, For a Brighter Life on the Spectrum, inspired by the vast and diverse autism community. At Autism Speaks, we’re committed to telling authentic stories of people with autism and their unique strengths, challenges, dreams and goals. 

Meet the cast of the Brighter Life campaign:

  • Leonardo (Leo) was diagnosed with autism at age 2, and while he’s struggled with words, he’s making incredible progress thanks to early intervention that has made a remarkable difference. Says his mom Jessica: “Leo makes everything special. Leo es un niño muy amoroso. Un niño muy simpático.”
  • Cassie lights up at the sound of her favorite music and surprises her parents every day with her creativity. After her diagnosis at age 2, Cassie’s parents turned to the 100 Day Tool Kit for support, and through their involvement with Autism Speaks found a community that has brought “compassion and acceptance and celebration to Cassie and those like Cassie.” 
  • Phil is a confident self-advocate for autism awareness and access to care and the proud father of a 3-year-old boy, with two successful careers and an unbreakable attitude of perseverance. A skilled photographer, he finds comfort behind the lens, where he’s able to better understand the emotions of attitudes of others. 
  • Milan and his former teacher’s aide Allison are a dynamic pair committed to increasing understanding and acceptance of other kids with autism just like Milan. So great is their commitment that they even co-wrote a book, “Autism & Me,” in which Milan proudly states: “I would not be the person I am today if I did not have autism. I am very creative and smart because of this.”  
  • Michael was inspired to enter the field of autism research field by his sister Alexa, who has autism. Committed to exploring more tailored treatments and a deeper understanding of autism, Michael says of his sister: “Beyond informing my career path, she has taught me how to be persistent, how to see the best in everyone, and how to deliver a joke. She’s chatty and hilarious and fun.”