Autism Certification Center & Autism Speaks team up to make online learning resources available to the autism community at no cost

April 9, 2020
The Autism Certification Center (ACC) and Autism Speaks

While Americans from coast to coast are practicing safe social distancing and staying home, the Autism Certification Center (ACC) and Autism Speaks are teaming up to make 30+ hours of online video learning resources available completely free of charge for members of the autism community. 

Developed by the ACC, part of the Ohio Center for Autism and Low Incidence (OCALI), “Autism Spectrum Disorder Strategies in Action” provides real-life, practical, evidence-based tools and training to empower people with autism and their families. A team of autistic individuals, researchers, clinicians, families and experts worked together to develop the content which aims to inform and educate in an easy-to-follow, mobile-friendly way.

“We are so grateful to our friends and partners at OCALI for their kindness and generosity in making these resources available at no cost to our community,” said Val Paradiz, PhD, vice president of services and supports at Autism Speaks. “With so many recent disruptions in schedules and services, we’re thrilled to provide people with this meaningful learning opportunity.”

“Together, our aim is for more people on the spectrum, their families and their communities to have access to evidence-based educational material,” said Shawn Henry, executive director, OCALI. “These courses were designed to provide real-life strategies that can be applied now and well into the future, and we’re glad to be able to share them with the autism community at no cost during these particularly challenging times.”